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2024 standard product portfolio for wholesalers

Bakeline offers an attractive selection of high-quality deep frozen pastries to its wholesale partners for hotels, gastronomy and out of home food services.
Some new products in our range: 
- Vegan Cheesecake Chocolate Muffin: Tasty & incredibly delicious. With great creativity & passion, we develop delicious vegan alternatives.
- Decorated Mini Gugelhupfe with glaze & chocolate sprinkles & Vegan Decorated Mini Gugelhupfe with glaze: Always an enjoyable experience with our little seducers!
- Mixbox Bagels 75g pre-sliced: With our Mixbox Bagel you can offer your customers variety, even if there is little space for stocking. With the sesame, everything and vital grain bagels, you have a selection of the popular versions in one box.

Selected Standard Products Wholesale 2024
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